Mental health support while waiting for an autism assessment and after diagnosis

What do we want to know?

We have been investigating what support is currently available in Wolverhampton for adults waiting for an autism assessment or waiting for mental health support after being diagnosed with autism.

We wanted to find out what’s working well and making a positive difference to people’s mental health and wellbeing, and what more could be done or done differently, to improve support.

Who did we listen to?

We engaged with people who are:

  • Waiting for an autism assessment
  • Have already been diagnosed with autism 
  • A relative or carer for someone who has autism or is waiting for assessment
  • A health and care professionals providing services and support for people with autism and mental health issues.

What did we do?

In February-March 2024, we asked people to share their views with us by completing our confidential survey and by talking to us in the community. We are currently analysing all the feedback we received, and we will report our findings later in 2024.

How will your feedback make a difference?

Early diagnosis and support for autism and mental health issues can prevent escalation and crisis, but waiting times are increasing as demand for services grows.

We will share your feedback with those responsible for developing Wolverhampton’s new autism services strategy, to help them understand how to improve support while people are waiting to get the care they need.  This includes the Wolverhampton Autism Board. Black Country Health Care (Black Country mental health provider), Black Country Integrated Care Board, and One Wolverhampton.